Brickyard StoreThis general store was on the east side of Route 10 where the land went down to a point along the Nansemond River.  It was known as the Brickyard Store, also better known then as the Reid’s Ferry Corporation store.  It was a gas station and general store that housed the post office and the postmaster’s residence upstairs.  The inclusive dates of this being a post office was from 14 June 1904 until 31 January 1915.  The following is from records obtained from Gary Butler regarding the incorporation of the Nansemond River Brick Company.  “Information from the minutes of the first meeting of the incorporation and subscribers to the capital stock of Reid’s Ferry Corporation on the 22nd of October 1925 involved the purchase of a general stock of merchandize and opened a store in the building situated on the Suffolk-Chuckatuck road at Reid’s Ferry, Nansemond County and also to purchase said store etc.”  Elwood Gayle ran this store before opening his own store across the highway in approximately 1928.  After that the store was operated by Happer Oliver and his wife.  The Brickyard Store was ultimately torn down circa 1980.