
Boy Scouts (Troop 25)

The next two paragraphs are paraphrased from Wikipedia under Boy Scouts.  The full details of this explanation of the early years of scouting are available at this free web site. In 1909 a Chicago publisher by the name of Boyce was visiting London, ...

Boy Scouts (Troop 59/305)

Troop 59 was chartered in the Oakland community by Ernest Wilson circa 1949 after he was discharged from the U.S. Army.  Roosevelt Jones was one of several young men who joined the troop under the guidance of Ernest.  As noted by Roosevelt Jones “we were...

Chuckatuck Girl Scouts

In 1930 Mrs. Harry Lee Cross of Suffolk became Chairman of the Suffolk Girl Scouts.  Within this troop was a young girl by the name of Betty Cross.  This young girl would ultimately become Mrs. Joshua Pretlow and would start her adult Girl Scout activities i...