The Possom Hollow Ruritan Club was chartered May 21, 1987 with the same mission as that of other Ruritan clubs. Its first president was John D “Jack” Eure. The Ruritan Club is a community service organization that gives back to the community in many ways through donations of time and money for a variety of projects. They support many of the same organizations that the Chuckatuck Ruritan Club supports. Their original fund-raising event was the Chuckatuck Music Festival normally held at Planters Club while in latter years it has been the Boston Butts Cook-out in the fall of each year. What is unique about Possom Hollow is that they have both men and women in their organization while many of the Ruritan clubs are still all male oriented. Shelley Barlow was elected as their first women president in 2000. They are a small club but do big club events.