The Village Garden Club was started in 1966, sponsored by Mrs. Betty Pretlow, with its first president, Mrs. Betty Glasscock. The current president, Mrs. Susan Reed, confirms that the organization is doing well and provided the following details for us. The object of the club is to share the art of flower arranging and horticulture. This sharing is done in the way of superb programs from visiting artists and flower experts to share their knowledge on how to make things like “Dried Apple Dolls” using an apple and a knife as well as specific flower arranging. The club also held a contest within the village on who could decorate their door the best in traditional, religious or whimsical décor. Additionally during the year each member has to submit two flower arrangements and two horticulture exhibits with a variety of awards being given after careful consideration by a judging team. The club meets on the second Wednesday during the months of September thru May in members’ homes. The club supports the historic garden Christmas tours by helping to decorate and act as hostesses at various homes as well as the Spring Garden tour which raises funds for Historic Garden reclamation and excavation such as Bacon’s Castle and others in the local area.