According to the “Virginia Works Progress Administration of Virginia Historical Inventory” conducted in 1937 this farm was bought by John G. Martin, a native of Germany, in approximately 1840. The report states that Mr. Martin “came to America and bought this farm and built the home. He left his home about 1859, thinking that he would escape the War Between the States, and went north, taking with him the deed for the place; but the Federal Army drafted him and he had to serve. After the War, he returned home, finding someone else living at this place. In the meantime, or during the War Between the States, the Court House at the county seat had been burned, and the man in possession could not show any deed. Mr. Martin, having saved his deed and a new clerk’s office having been built, at once took his deed to the clerk’s office, and had it recorded. It so happened that his was the first deed in the new clerk’s office – deed #1, page #1, book #1. The party who had taken possession of the place had to vacate.” The farm was inherited by John G. Martin’s son, John E. Martin, who left it to his widow, Mrs. Sallie Martin. John Atlee Martin was born here in 1892. He and his wife Mary raised their son, Earl, here. Atlee farmed the land until 1959 when he opened a general store at Everets. Earl married in 1962, lived in Chuckatuck and then returned to the farm in February 1973 raising the fifth generation of Martins on this family farm.