Conrad Edward Haas, born in NY city in 1935. Moved to Hampton VA when he was still in diapers. Conrads dad came from Blackforest in Germany. Came over in 1930’s and came over because of what was happening in Germany. His mother was from Germany who had a brother in NY.
Has a family history which should be available if needed.
Horn and Hardor café in NY was shown in National Geographics. His dad worked there as a manager but was fired. He was a crystal salesman but could not get a job so went to work in Pittsburg in the coal mines. Later, he became a very good cook.
Moved to VA via Cape Charles in 1936. Moved to Newport News first where they had relatives. Started a restaurant in Hampton and it became a very popular place. FBI came there as well.
9:45 – 13:00 talked about talking with the immigration persons just recently. Gave a good story about Eddie and Francis.
After having problems with his feet they sold the restaurant and bought a farm in Nansemond County near Oakland. Part of farm still owned by Conrad. Al Glasscock worked the farm next door and gave them lots of good information.
Conrad came home from Tech one year to help out on the farm.
Ann is 7 years younger born in 1941.
House was built in the 1850’s and moved into that house in 1949. Came to Chuckatuck as a Freshman.
18:35 Compares Catholic schools and Chuckatuck high school. Talks about the Nuns and how they had an influence on his life but they felt at home in Chuckatuck. Had very good teachers at Chuckatuck. Refers to Bessie Martin as his English teacher.
Big thing in his life at Chuckatuck was sports. Talks about being able to venture out with the other kids and not have his parents worry about him. Loved to play any kind of ball. Learned to play checkers and played pretty good until he met Foots Spady.
Graduated in 1953. When he was a junior drex was a freshman. Talked about playing at Whaleville. Created a good friendship with Percy Gillette. At Tech he studed Ag Economics. Went to Tech because Josh Pretlow and Rusty Kirk took kids to VA Tech once in a while thus introduced us to the school.
26:00 Talks about how his education helped him in the following jobs. Graduated from Tech in 1957.
Joined the Army after graduation. After Basic Training at Fort Knox with Percy Gillette who took care of him. Was in the Army for six months then in the National Guard and became an Officer.
34:00 good overview of his various jobs. Moved to Raleigh from across the street and stayed there for 35 plud years.
39:50 Met Marie when his father was in the hospital and have been married 51 years. They have 4 children and several grand children.
41:50 talks about some of his memories of chuckatuck school and the teachers like Bill Rippey. Also talked about pot luck dinners at Wesley Chapel and how they always had fish for the catholics. This was Edna Saunders doing.
44:00 Talks about the thing that stands out most and his ability to come home again and Chuckatuck was home. Been back home for 13 years now and live in downtown Suffolk.
Dad passed away in 1963 and mother in 1991. Mrs Haas died on the farm in the flower garden. Both are buried at Oakland although went to St Mary’s in Suffolk.
Road by their house was dirt until the late 1980’s.
54:00 talks some Politics Good discussion on how we can survive together regardless of our political views.
61:00 talks about his kids and what they do.