Aleck was born on Dec 24, 1934 in Driver area of Nansemond County
At 3 years old moved to Cedar Brook farm across from St Johns
Spent a little longer than normal to finish school. Worked for Jimmy Brasfield cutting grass around donnley signs.
In Nov 1956 went to work in NNSY working on Subs and surface ships.
Joined National Guard
In 1954 Joined Chuckatuck Volunteer Fire Department
Met Helen on a blind date when he was with Tub Savage at Travelers Rest Restaurant.
Talks about meeting Helen for the first time with his Straw hat. Married on April 2, 1960 getting ready to celebrate 50 years of marriage. Two boys, Winn and Darrell.
Back to 1937 (7.25) talks about the truck farm
Bridge was already in place at this time (1937). All products transported by trucks. Mr. Winslow was a share cropper.
9.42 Talks about all the kids. Many of them. In fact 10 kids. Alec was number 8. Jessie, Preston, Stella Mae, Polly, Lewis, Millard, Marvin, Alec, Emily and Betty.
First tractor in 1939 a ford ferguson. Alec backed it off the truck at 5 years old.
Farm changed to more traditional crops for one year and then the winslow’s came back as share cropper.
Mr. Winslow farmed in Driver and prior to that was a tug boat operator. He fell off the tug and went under the barge. At this point he ran a store in Carolina then up to Virginia. Mr. Winslow was from Winfall NC.
17.40 talks about shows and Oliver Tractor. Talks about the snow in 1948. How he took Mr. Bowden to the Bridge. Good discussion on just how bad the show was.
19.50 Talks about the school teachers. Graduated in 1956 vice 1953.
Emily and I graduated at the same time. Emily lost a car wheel in front of St Johns.
Alec deployed into the Dismal Swamp to look for hunters and to Richmond when they had a flood.
(31.00) What is your most memorable thing about Chuckatuck? Helping other people.
What stands out most in your mind about accidents. Fire behind Wesley Chapel and the Baptist Church in Smithfield.
Chuckatuck Vol Fire Dept started up in 1954. (37.00) Talked about Tub savage hitting a deer enroute to Hopewell.
39.00 talked about riding the hand car up and down the railroad track.
Since retirement has worked with Meals on Wheels, Chuckatuck volunteer Fire Dept, Driving Cancer patients, Remembers Gene Canfield who was our minister for a group of us who started a Baptist Church.
44.50 Talks about my turning over the truck in his Peanut field.
46.0 Talks about Shot Gun Daisy and the Peanut Bag full of hay.
48.0 Talks about Slim Woolford having a pool hall in a store.
50.15 Talks about Mary Jane shooting a shot gun.
51.45 Talks about grand kids (lack of)
54.0 Discusses the gun battle back at the old cabin behind our house near the marl hole.
55.0 Alec loved people, had an alcohol problem, smoked and he would hope that all who hear this would stay away from all that stuff.
57.40 Goose like to get a good hug and he said that Rev Iliano will do that.
58.30 Talks about Billy Kessinger saying what type of person Alec was.