Founder’s Day planned

2015 Founder's Day planned
The annual Chuckatuck Founder’s Day event will be held on Oct. 24. Members of the community will come together to enjoy a parade with an antique car show, and gather together at the Chuckatuck Volunteer Fire Department for food, fun and more.

The Greater Chuckatuck Historical Foundation will be hosting its annual Founder’s Day event on Oct. 24 at the Chuckatuck Volunteer Fire Department, located at 300 Kings Highway.

“To me, the Nansemond Indians were the true founders,” said Lynn Rose, president of the Greater Chuckatuck Historical Foundation. According to the society’s website, while Indians lived in the Chuckatuck area, a number of European settlers ended up there in the early 1600s.

In 2009, members of the community worked together to create a book on the history of the town. Many members still work hard to learn all they can about its history, Rose said.

The foundation began holding the Founder’s Day event about four or five years ago, said Kitty Martin, member of the historical society. “We just wanted to give something back to the community.” Their community is “very close-knit,” she said.

“It’s really a fun event,” Martin said. Many children attend, which may have to do with the fact that “all the kids’ activities are free,” she said. There will be pumpkin decorating, a hula-hoop contest, a costume contest for children and pets, a parade, which will feature antique cars, and more, she said.

During the event, one member of a nearby Boy Scout troop will be presenting his Eagle Scout project concept, which involves building a longhouse in the Nansemond Indians’ Mattanock Town, Rose said.

A magician also will be part of the event. “The children were so enthralled with him,” said Martin of last year’s event. This is why the society decided to bring him back again, she said.

Food will be provided by a local catering business, along with a couple of other organizations, said Martin. The Master’s Hand Quartet, a local high school band and a D.J. will provide entertainment throughout the event as well. Members of the community will be volunteering throughout the day, such as the Girl and Boy Scouts. Local Girl Scouts will help facilitate the children’s games, while Boy Scouts will be assisting with parking, said Martin.

Last year, the event drew around 500 people, Martin said. This year they are hoping to see 800. It’s free and open to the public. The parade begins at 10 a.m., and everything else will follow at 10:30 a.m., she added. Golf carts will be available to assist in transporting guests from their cars to the event.

Article taken from The Suffolk News-Herald –
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