“Making the Past Come Alive for Future Generations.”
The Greater Chuckatuck Historical Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) organization, began its history book project Spring, 2009 by breaking it down into six stages: organizing,collecting information, creating, publishing, distributing, and archiving. Our aim was to meet the foundation’s vision and to obtain financial support for publishing a book/DVD.
To achieve this vision, we created committees and work groups by locality, topics of interest and things needed to be done. We learned that work and support for various tasks sometimes overlapped from phase to phase as new information and needs were addressed.
The geographical scope of the project included the rural Virginia villages of downtown Chuckatuck, Cherry Grove, Everets, Exit, Longview, Milner’s, Oakland, Reid’s Ferry, Sandy Bottom and Wills’ Corner. The influence and impact of the American Indians and African Americans, as well as the many different nationalities and religious affiliations of the wider Chuckatuck community are described in the book and DVD.
The culture and activities involving schools, churches, businesses, farming and organizations of the community at large was also a part of this publication of stories.