General Entertainment


Now the village of Chuckatuck had its own form of trick or treat on this special night.  Yes, we made our way in costume to several houses as very young kids for candy and would always say “trick or treat”.  The parents were there only for the really small...

Hunting, Fishing and Trapping

Hunting for quail, squirrels, rabbits, ducks, “Canadian Honkers” (Canada geese) and trapping for muskrats was a form or recreation, plus trapping put a little spending money in your pocket.  Just about every young man in the village had a su...

Ice Skating and Sleigh Riding

Ice skating for the most part took place on the lake at Ferry Point farm.  This was a fairly shallow lake and would freeze over relatively quickly.  Now the winters in the '40s and '50s seemed to be much colder than we have now and you could count on t...

Marl Pits (swimming holes)

We have an entire section on the marl holes from the perspective of making cement.  In the eyes and minds of the many younger and some older folks in Chuckatuck these holes were made for swimming and nothing could stop us from enjoying such an unbelievable ...

Tent Shows (Local, Minstrel, Revivals, White’s)

Several of the local kids in the area would put on their own version of a tent shows in the same location, in the 1930s, but in a much smaller venue.  Sonny Chapman, Gibson Chapman, Claire Willoughby, Jenny Woodward and “Chief” were the principal acto...