J. R. Brock was operating a store in Longview in 1887 when he was appointed postmaster for Longview. The post office was closed in 1909. It is believed that his son, Clinton Brock, also ran the store. The store and farm were sold to Jesse Oliver in 1934. Bennie Oliver, Jesse’s brother, operated the store at one time and remembers it as a “Wal-Mart of that day”. They carried groceries, shoes, shirts, overalls, women’s gingham, drugs and everything pertaining to a farm, such as cultivators and plows. They carried hams, shoulders, cheese at 5 cents a pound, shoes at $1.98 per pair and overalls for 69 cent. For clarity “women’s gingham” as described by Webster is yarn-dyed cotton woven in stripes, checks, plaids, or solid colors. According to Johnny Oliver his aunts, Ethel and Lottie, Jesse and Bennie’s sisters, also clerked in the store with Lottie living above the store and keeping the books for many years. The store accepted eggs and butter in payment for groceries. In addition, this store which closed in November 1973 was once a voting precinct for Isle of Wight County.