This was a relatively small one room store with limited goods and services and was in and out of operation until circa 1960. There was an apartment over the store where the owners lived as was the case in many of the stores. The Owen’s store was originally owned by the Pinners and may have housed the first post office in Chuckatuck. However, in later discussions with Frank Spady there might have been a building directly across the road from the Pinner home in which the first post office was located. We do know that the post office was in the Owen’s store, moved to the Jones/Gwaltney store and ultimately to Moore’s store when Mr. Moore became the postmaster at Chuckatuck. During the time when Matt Crumpler used the Owen’s store as his office he rented a portion of the room to Mr. J.R. Chapman for use as a barber shop. Ultimately this barber chair was a part of the Chapman home and was used for cutting hair until the mid 1950s. There was an article written in St. Luke’s newsletter dated Spring 2008 by Chiles T.A. Larson which stated “My wife has strong ties over in nearby Chuckatuck. Her favorite aunt, Lillie Clark Owens, and seven additional relatives are buried here in the church yard. Bernice spent many summers with her Aunt Lil, who, with her husband Clifton Owen owned and operated a general store in the community. After her husband became incapacitated, Aunt Lil ran the store by herself and was well known and loved by all who knew her for her generosity for the needy.”